
If you follow me on any of the other social media sites, you’ll know that I lean heavily on the #WTFparenting hashtag.

I sort of have to.

It’s much easier to laugh at the kinder-insanity than worry about it.

You can get irritated and annoyed, or you can admire how much they learn from you on a daily basis. For example, this one is clearly her father’s daughter:

And her mother’s daughter:

She spent a week drawing butts. She got quite good at it.


For a five year old, that’s pretty good.


Notice how they go from being just regular butts to farting butts. And how eventually, they gain wheels. I had nothing to do with that. That is 100% her.

Like any responsible parent, I pinned this masterpiece to the corkboard in the hallway so I can snicker at it every time I walk past.


I’ve been embroidering kitchen towels and it’s super fun.

This is one of my favorites.

And it hits me. The butts! I’ve been giggling at that masterpiece for five years. Why not?


But I LIED! I was sewing butts on stuff. And today, I am proud to present to you my daughter’s artistry, immortalised in variable thread-count. Behold:

Evolution of a Fart on Wheels

Original artwork by W. Pitts.

Punch Drunk Theater: Furious Seven


Punch Drunk Theater: Desperado
